Learn how to maximize the birth chart for your daily life and embrace who you truly are.

2 days of Learning


Do you find yourself....

Stuck and confused - making important life decisions without a clear sense of direction, leading to constant disappointment and confusion

Desperate for deeper insights into what shapes your attitudes, struggling with difficult relationships, and often feeling like you don't belong

• At a point in your life where making the wrong decisions feel scary, and you're haunted by the thought of living with regrets

• Feeling trapped in a life that doesn't match who you truly are, burdened by what others expect of you, stuck in a job that drains you, and longing for a change

• Feeling like something is missing in your life, as if you're not living authentically, and you're searching for a sense of purpose that seems just out of reach

If you nodded to any of these problems, or if any of these reminded you of someone, then my Decode The Birth Chart Program is for you

Through this program, I will teach you how you can utilize reading your birth chart so you can …

Understand your birth chart, gaining the clarity and confidence you need to make life's important decisions, leaving disappointment and confusion behind.

Discover profound insights into the influences that shape your attitudes, allowing you to navigate relationships with confidence and a deep sense of belonging.

Be equipped with tools to avoid decisions that cost you time (even years) going in unsuitable life directions. You can move forward with confidence and a happier, more fulfilled life.

Break free from being trapped in a life that does not reflect your true self. Unlock your authentic identity, making it possible to choose a path that resonates with who you are, bringing the change and fulfillment you desire.

Finally stop looking for your sense of purpose as you find that missing piece, guiding you toward a more purposeful life. Moreover, the knowledge you will gain in this program will also allow you to guide others in their pursuit of purpose as well.

By understanding how to read birth charts, you'll gain the power to analyze not only your own life but also the lives of those around you. 

You can provide valuable insights, support, and guidance to friends, family, or clients who are struggling with the challenges mentioned above. 

Reading birth charts is a skill that can make a significant difference in your life and the lives of those you care about.

Let me be clear and upfront, however. 

This program is NOT for everyone.


If you are any of the following, then I’m afraid this program is not the right one for you.

• This course is not for individuals who view learning Astrology as a burdensome or labor-intensive endeavor. If you're seeking an effortless experience, this may not be the right fit for you.

• If you're just looking for one of those '12 Signs' workshops, this comprehensive program might not be what you're seeking; it offers a more in-depth and extensive learning experience that goes beyond teaching astrological signs.

• If your primary motivation is to identify the most financially rewarding career with immediate financial gains, this course may not be the ideal choice. Consulting a recruitment agency for a job suited to your immediate needs could be a more practical approach.

• Students who are intrinsically selfish, caring only about their own journey and not capable of being happy for others, may not experience the positive and transformative environment that this course aims to provide.

• If you find yourself in a constant struggle for survival, dealing with immediate financial concerns and not yet in a position to explore life's deeper meanings, this course may not be the right choice. Addressing your immediate financial stability should take priority.

Now, if you had made it this far and you did not fall in any of the types of people this program is not for, then this program is really for you.

To continue, let me give a brief background first…

What is a Birth Chart, Anyway?

An Astrology chart, also known as a “Birth Chart,” is like a snapshot of the sky at the moment you were born.

It's a map that helps you discover more about yourself, your life, and the best times for important decisions—like your own personalized guidebook.

It draws a lot of people in because it's something that is unique to yourself, and it tells the story of your life and what you're capable of doing. 

A lot of people are fascinated by learning how to read birth charts. However, there's NOT a lot of places where you can actually learn it properly—let alone learn how to apply it in real life.

The internet is flooded with information about Astrology, often provided by well-intentioned hobbyists. But a significant portion of this content lacks practical applicability, leading to confusion and misinformation.

And so I created my Decode The Birth Chart Program to teach you how to properly read a birth chart … and read it in a PRACTICAL manner!

I will give you not just the textbook information, but I'll also focus on the application of said information from the chart to actual life—especially in your career and for pursuing your life purpose.

While theoretical knowledge is essential, it's incomplete without understanding how it impacts your life.

That is:  It's not enough to know that you have a Moon in Capricorn in the Seventh House …

But rather, how does that affect the careers that you choose, or your behavior or attitude in relationships.

In this program, you won't just learn about fire, earth, air, and water. You will discover how they manifest in your life. 

You'll identify your elemental balance and its implications for your personal and professional journey.

I will not just teach you how to read planets, signs, and houses …

But, more importantly, I will help you gain a deeper understanding of your own life and the lives of those you care about.

Is it not better to just get a reading from an Astrologer?

The prevailing notion is that astrology is best left to Professional Astrologers. 

But I found from experience that people actually get more transformation when they learn to read their own chart - when they actually get the discovery.

The true "discovery" lies in your hands, not in someone else's words. 

You don't really say that you went to see an Astrologer and then discover something about yourself - it doesn't work that way.

When you see an Astrologer, and the Astrologer tells you what you need to know, then it's called “being told.”

On the other hand, when you learn how to read your own birth chart, you unearth invaluable insights that empower you to make informed decisions. 

You don't simply get told about your life—you discover it for yourself.

The Curriculum

As we embark on this fascinating journey, you'll delve deep into the intricacies of Astrology, learning how to unlock the secrets hidden within one’s birth chart.

In just two days, you'll master the tools and knowledge to not only read a birth chart accurately but also to use this profound skill in your daily life.

Embark on a 2-day journey with me where you will:

• Learn how reading your birth chart can unveil hidden facets of your personality and provide invaluable insights into your life's purpose and path. 

• Gain the skills to decipher the stories within your birth chart, illuminating your strengths, weaknesses, and untapped potential.

Get started in a life-long skill that can help yourself and people around you find love, healing, harmony—and make better decisions as you navigate life's opportunities, challenges, and complexities

Do a detailed chart reading and tell a descriptive narrative that touches every aspect of life—from career to relationships, money, family, and so on—by learning the fundamental components of Astrology, including the zodiac signs, planets, houses, elements, modes, and my invention, the Dominant Archetype™

The lessons from this program will not stop at theory - I will guide you to learn how to apply them in your daily life.

You'll discover how to identify areas that can be adjusted to align with your goals and aspirations, transforming your path for the better.

By the end of our two-day journey together, you'll emerge not just as an Astrological enthusiast but as a capable and confident reader of birth charts. 

You'll have the tools to navigate life's twists and turns, to empower yourself and those around you, and to find clarity and purpose in your journey.

Our curriculum is meticulously designed to provide you with practical insights and wisdom.

Here’s a quick overview of what will be included in the 2-day program.

Curriculum Breakdown

Day 1

Module 1: Uncovering Your Area of Emphasis

Module 2: Discovering Your Natural Traits

Module 3: Mastering The Right Impression

Day 2

Module 4: Exploring Your Temperament

Module 5: Discovering Your Mode

Module 6: Unveiling Your Dominant Archetype™

Day 1

Module 1: Uncovering Your Area of Emphasis

Module 2: Discovering Your Natural Traits

Module 3: Mastering The Right Impression

Day 2

Module 4: Exploring Your Temperament

Module 5: Discovering Your Mode

Module 6: Unveiling Your Dominant Archetype™


How To Read A Birth Chart Program empowers you to leverage your natural strengths, make informed life choices, and thrive in careers and relationships that align with who you truly are.

Are you ready to discover the keys to a more fulfilled, purpose-driven life tailored to YOU?

In years of teaching and guiding people, I learned that people interested in Astrology can be classified into four:

1. Self-Discovery Seeker

Someone on a quest to learn more about themselves and find their strengths and weaknesses beyond regular personality tests.

2. True Blue Astrology Student

An avid Astrology enthusiast who's dedicated to mastering the many aspects of Astrology beyond the basics.

3. Coach of Astrology

A coach who uses Astrology to help clients with a range of problems, offering objective and logical guidance based on astrological insights.

4. Big Heart Astrologer

An Astrology enthusiast with a caring nature, driven by a desire to assist others with practical and empathetic advice using Astrology.

(To know which type of astrologer you are, you can take this simple quiz for FREE)

Each type of astrologer has their own unique motivations on why they want to learn it and how they want to apply it.

To help you decide if this program is really for you, let me provide you with the reasons BASED on the type of astrologer you are:

1. Self- Discovery Seeker

Are you on a quest for self-discovery, eager to unearth your true strengths and weaknesses? 

You've likely explored various personality tests, from MBTI to other quizzes, but found them falling short of providing the depth you seek.

These tools often leave you with more questions than answers, unable to reveal your life's true calling. They can't address the complexities of your career stability or your choices in partners.

This program offers a different approach. 

You don't need to become an Astrology expert; all you require is a basic understanding of Astrology to interpret your own chart and explore different facets of your life, such as family, finances, friendships, and community involvement.

By comparing your Astrology chart with your current life, you'll pinpoint areas that need your attention and effort. 

This program is your roadmap to aligning your life with your authentic self, helping you inch closer to your ultimate purpose!

2. True-Blue Astrology Student

Are you a dedicated Astrology enthusiast, yearning to decipher the mysteries of this captivating field?

You may have scoured countless articles and books to learn about Astrology, but it has become this abyss of knowledge. 

Astrology, after all, is more than just planets, signs, and houses. It's a profound system with a practical purpose—to address various generational issues, communication challenges, career choices, and even financial behaviors.

This program offers something unique—structured guidance that not only teaches you how to read a chart but also how to apply this knowledge practically to make a positive impact. It's not just about understanding the foundations of Astrology; it's about using this knowledge effectively.

You might be looking to expand your learning beyond chart interpretation, delving into traditional Astrology, predictive methods, relationship Astrology, or even exploring the fascinating history of this ancient practice.

The journey begins with this foundational program, where we'll start with the ABCs of Astrology: planets, signs, and houses. 

It's your gateway to unlocking the rich world of astrological wisdom!

3. Coach of Astrology

Are you a coach who's passionate about using Astrology to transform lives?

If your profile is a coach who uses Astrology, then your benefits from learning Astrology are actually twofold. 

First, it arms you with the tools to truly elevate your coaching game. 

You'll gain the skills to interpret charts effectively, empowering you to diagnose your clients' issues with precision. Whether it's finding the missing pieces in their relationships or unlocking their peak potential, you'll bridge the gap between their current path and their ideal journey.

But there's more – this journey isn't just for your clients; it's for you, too! 

As a coach, you're perpetually evolving. 

You'll refine your target audience, attracting the clients who light up your practice. Alongside that, you'll embark on a journey of self-discovery, breaking through your own personal barriers.

4. Big-Heart Astrologer

Are you the kind-hearted astrologer who's drawn to Astrology by a deep concern for the well-being of the people in your life? 

Whether it's your family, your significant other, your neighbor, or your colleagues, your genuine desire is to assist them in navigating life's challenges, be it in relationships, finances, or career choices.

You may have tried discussing their issues or delving into various personality profiles online. Your intention is to sit down with them and guide them through their options, helping them discover what's truly right for them. In your role, Astrology offers you a valuable gift – objectivity.

As you acquire the knowledge to interpret Astrology charts, you'll approach situations from a logical, objective standpoint. Instead of relying on subjective feelings like "I think you should take this job" or "I feel this course is right for you," you can provide guidance rooted in astrological insights.

But amidst your dedication to assisting others, it's essential to remember that you, too, deserve answers to your life's questions. You've invested much of your time in caring for others, and it's now an opportune moment to turn your attention to your own life's path.

By starting with your own chart in this program, you'll gain the skills to support the people around you and find the answers you seek in your personal journey.

Those are the reasons why this program is a perfect fit for you based on your own motivations why you wanted to learn Astrology in the first place…

As you gain a clear understanding of the program's structure and the reasons why you should join, you might be curious about the person guiding you through this exciting Astrological journey.

Allow me to introduce myself…

About May Sim

I have been in the astrology practice for 20 years and counting.

Believe it or not, there was a time when I was just learning, unsure of where I'd be going.

I did not have the clarity and courage to become who I want to be.

And I did not have a structured approach to help others and become a successful coach.

But because of Astrology, I took a giant leap.

So, from being a general manager at 26, I switched to being a full-time Psychological Astrologer.

Now, I’ve done thousands of consultations and coaching sessions, and have become a subject matter expert on Psychological Astrology, and an invited speaker at international Astrology conferences.

Seeing how Astrology worked for my business, I want to help more people, and have them experience the same or even greater success than what I’ve achieved.

I want to share with you EXACTLY how I, my students, and clients did it. 

So you can potentially reap the same and even better results WITHOUT making the same mistakes and wasting precious time.

And you can do that by first building a solid foundation in Astrology, which you can achieve by joining my “How To Read A Birth Chart” Program.

May Sim's Credentials

  • Entrepreneur, Speaker, Astrology Consultant, and Founder of Selfstrology Academy—No. 1 Astrology Academy In Asia

  • Coach to top executives, business owners, entrepreneurs, and other coaches in Asia

  • First Asian to graduate and join the faculty of the International Academy of Astrology (IAA)

  • Featured in The New York Times Style Magazine, MediaCorp Publications, and Zula.sg.

  • Covered predictions of global events that drew over 45,000 viewers from 28 countries.

  • Spoke at Facebook, Fortinet, Omega, RADO, Hansgrohe, Health Sciences Authority, and E2i.

What Students Say About This Program

Rayn Lim

Founder & Director of Forex100 Academy

“Her course taught me how to identify my talents, strengths and weaknesses from the birth chart, and thus how to understand myself and others better. This is a great life skill.”

Yun Qing Liau

Tarot Card Practitioner

“In the course, I learnt to read planets and signs to understand the individual nature or aspects to tell how it manifests in a person’s life.”

Sohila Biczadehtakori

Educator for Special Needs Children

“I have a much better understanding of the dilemmas I face in life. Knowing these and being able to know where it comes from makes it easier to come to terms with the shortcomings and move to a better situation.”

Rayn Lim

Founder & Director of Forex100 Academy

“Her course taught me how to identify my talents, strengths and weaknesses from the birth chart, and thus how to understand myself and others better. This is a great life skill.”

Yun Qing Liau

Tarot Card Practitioner

“In the course, I learnt to read planets and signs to understand the individual nature or aspects to tell how it manifests in a person’s life.”

Sohila Biczadehtakori

Educator for Special Needs Children

“I have a much better understanding of the dilemmas I face in life. Knowing these and being able to know where it comes from makes it easier to come to terms with the shortcomings and move to a better situation.”

Ivan Chong

Director of 33 Technologies

“On a personal level, it gave me a lot more clarity and confidence of the partner who I’m really looking for in a long term committed relationship.”

Alvyn Tayy

Sports Coach

“It really gave me the courage and motivation to get started on my life-coaching business. I can already see it taking shape by the end of the year.”

Joel Low

Actor (Theater) & Vocal Coach at Unlock Your Voice

“I have a much better understanding of the dilemmas I face in life. Knowing these and being able to know where it comes from makes it easier to come to terms with the shortcomings and move to a better situation.”

Ivan Chong

Director of 33 Technologies

“On a personal level, it gave me a lot more clarity and confidence of the partner who I’m really looking for in a long term committed relationship.”

Alvyn Tayy

Sports Coach

“It really gave me the courage and motivation to get started on my life-coaching business. I can already see it taking shape by the end of the year.”

Joel Low

Actor (Theater) & Vocal Coach at Unlock Your Voice

“I have a much better understanding of the dilemmas I face in life. Knowing these and being able to know where it comes from makes it easier to come to terms with the shortcomings and move to a better situation.”

Ivan Chong

Director of 33 Technologies

“On a personal level, it gave me a lot more clarity and confidence of the partner who I’m really looking for in a long term committed relationship.”

Alvyn Tayy

Sports Coach

“It really gave me the courage and motivation to get started on my life-coaching business. I can already see it taking shape by the end of the year.”

Joel Low

Actor (Theater) & Vocal Coach at Unlock Your Voice

“I have a much better understanding of the dilemmas I face in life. Knowing these and being able to know where it comes from makes it easier to come to terms with the shortcomings and move to a better situation.”

As you read through the heartfelt testimonials from previous students who have embarked on this transformative journey…

I hope you've felt the genuine impact and empowerment that this program can bring to your life.

This is now your chance to join the ranks of those who have already reaped the benefits of unlocking and maximizing their birth charts.

Join Me In My How To Read A Birth Chart Program

Make the investment in yourself today and embrace the enlightening journey that awaits.

Contact details
Payment Details

How Is The Program Conducted

The program will be done online via Zoom, so you can join us from any part of the world. 

It will take place on both a Saturday and Sunday, from 9:30 AM to 6:30 PM (GMT+8).

The upcoming program enrolment schedules are as follows:

  • April 20 & 21, 2024

  • June 8 & 9, 2024

  • November 11 & 12, 2023

  • December 2 & 3, 2023

  • January 6 & 7, 2024

A Recap And An Invitation To Be Who You Really Are 

A quick recap before you sign up:

1. My team and I have been conducting this programme for 10 years and counting, and have helped thousands of people in their life journey.

2. If you want to accurately read the birth chart for yourself and others, I can help you. It has been my life's purpose.

3. You can attend my “Decode The Birth Chart” Program for as low as S$697.

4. You’ll learn on Day 1 mainly how to interpret the birth chart components to define your strengths and weaknesses, and Day 2 to primarily know your Dominant Archetype™ and  start realigning yourself to your true personality. The end result is, in the long run, a fulfilled life.

I could go on and on.

But the only missing piece now is YOU.

If you want to learn how to read the birth chart effectively, let me show you how.

Register now.




Is this Astrology course suitable for beginners?

This course is suitable for students with no prior knowledge of Astrology. 

The structured curriculum allows you to build from the basics (such as the different symbols, planets, zodiac signs, houses etc.). 

These courses also come with a learning management system that includes online resources such as easy-to-watch videos that you can watch at your own pace and simple course assignments that you can apply to your own astrological chart.

Can international students based outside Singapore still attend the course?

Our students attend our courses from all around the world!

Selfstrology Academy has had students from more than 23 different nationalities. 

Our classes are conducted online, and can be accessed from any part of the world.

What if I do not have an exact birth time?

If you do not have access to an accurate birth time, please email us at hello@selfstrology.com upon your enrolment so our administrators can arrange for one of our astrologers to carry out a chart rectification (calculating backwards from your life events to find your accurate birth time) for you.

Please note that this will incur an additional rectification fee, depending on how uncertain your birth time is (if you can narrow it down to within an hour/60 possible birth times or if the astrologer has to work with a full 24 hour/14440 possible birth times).

Can I skip the Introduction course and go straight to the intermediate courses?

The intermediate courses require a very solid foundation in Astrology and most self-taught hobbyists are not expected to be able to keep up with the content – the instructor will not be rehashing basic techniques if you miss out on the basic syllabus.

Students who have completed programmes with the International Academy of Astrology (IAA), London School of Astrology (LSA), Kepler College, and other established Astrology institutions may be eligible for exemption from the basic classes.

Do contact our administrators at hello@selfstrology.com to check if you can qualify for an exemption.

© Copyright 2023 All Rights Reserved. Selfstrology Pte Ltd - Western Astrology Consultancy Firm